Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Alaskan Dream

I've procrastinated blogging for far too long.  I'm ashamed to say I even created an account (about 5 months ago) so that I could stalk other peoples blogs more easily!  But this obsessed 'blog follower' needs to join the bandwagon and start writing herself.  Here goes nothing!

Life in Alaska has been so amazing.  For those who don't know, we moved to Juneau at the beginning of May to work for the summer.  Michael is driving for Alaska Coach Tours and LOVING it.  Basically he gets to talk to and entertain people all day long... something he was born to do.  The best part is the people are locked on his coach and can't run away! He has learned a slew of interesting facts about the city and the wildlife it has.  It's so fun to drive down the road with him and learn about the eagles, bears and buildings all around me.  

I am working for a company called Wings Airways.  They are a float plane company that flies around the Taku, Noris, Hole-in-the-Wall, East Twin and West Twin glaciers.  One of their tours stops at the historic Taku Lodge where you get to enjoy a salmon feast.  Honestly people, it is the best salmon there is on earth!  They catch it every other day (extremely fresh!), brush it with butter, and cook it for you on an outside grill.  ***For reference on how good the food is, go find Paula Deen's February 2011 magazine and you'll see a two page spread on the Lodge... I love Paula Deen... ***
After the salmon feast is prepared, the staff at the lodge sprays the grill off and the bears come to enjoy the drippings.  Yes, I did say bears.  On my first trip out there, a bear sprinted across the front yard to enjoy the salmon flavored water while we were eating.  On my second trip, a little black bear was hanging out in a tree just waiting for everyone to go inside so he could have the grill to himself. So fun!

The plane that took me to the Lodge

Our little Black Bear friend

Although the lodge is a blast (and I wish I could spend everyday out there), I spend most of my days on the docks where the cruise ships come in.  Every hour I head down to the docks, collect the people going on our tour and bring them back to our office.  
***One benefit of being pregnant is that angry tourist don't say much to me!  I think they realize that it wouldn't go over too well for them...***
I absolutely love all of the people I work with.  The girls in the office work so hard to get every departure out on time and our rampies and pilots are simply amazing at what they do.  I truly am blessed to have such wonderful coworkers!  

View from the flight of Juneau

Alaska still has its challenges.  First is the weather.  On a nice day here you can't find a more beautiful place on earth.  The mountains are stunning, the glaciers breath taking and the wildlife is so abundant.  But, those nice days are far and few between.  In May, 29 out of the 31 days were rainy.  In June we saw our first sunny and warm days but even they only lasted a three day span!  You would not believe the number of people with sun burns.  I think everyone was just too stubborn to by sunscreen because they knew they'd never use it again.  I have heard from the locals that this is one of the rainiest and coldest summers they can remember.  At least I know this weather was saved especially for us...  Everyday I have tourists ask me, "Are we really flying in this weather?!" (mind you, that simply means overcast with misty rain). I simply tell them, if we didn't fly in this weather, we would never fly... Over cast has become the new norm in my life.

One of the few clear days on record

The second challenge has been the fishing.  Poor Michael.  He goes just about every day he has off from work to try and catch one measly fish.  At the beginning of the summer he was shooting big and wanted to hook an Alaskan King Salmon.  That dream has been pushed to the side and now he doesn't even care if it's a salmon at all.  Please keep Michael and his fishing in your prayers.

Well, I think this post is good for now!  Next time I'll catch up on the pregnancy and how the little guy is doing!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I love it. So glad you are doing this. What a great way for friends and family to keep up with what you are doing.
