Friday, February 22, 2013

Spring... Maybe?!?!

This past week I've been craving warm weather.  Everyday I wake up and think, 'Today is the day it will be warm!'.... and then it never is.  So, last night I decided to be proactive (but not productive) and make a countdown chain for the end of the summer.  Ideally it would have been for when we leave for California but we don't know the exact date we're leaving... this will have to do!

Not sure what we're going to do when we get to
#16 in the top left...
My toes want to be painted AND seen.  My hair wants to heat up in the sun.  My body wants to feel sand underneath it.  My windows want to let in fresh spring air.  My heater (and electric bill) wants to be obsolete.     My baby wants to go on a walk... outside.  My stuff wants to be in storage and WE WANT TO BE IN CALIFORNIA!!!

I'm just a little excited...

This past weekend we went over to The Palisades near Swan Valley.  It was too snowy to
hike, like we wanted to do, so we got food at a little diner and square ice cream.  I've GOT to get better at taking pictures of these things because the ice cream was so cool.  Instead of using a round scoop they use a square one... Again a picture would be nice.  While we were driving around we got to enjoy some beautiful scenery, see some eagles (it was like we were back in Alaska!), and find some moose tracks in the middle of the road.  For those of you who don't know, a moose is the one animal, on my wish list of Alaska animals, that I didn't get to see!  I want to see a wild moose so, so badly!!!

Crazy man fishing...

Michael's dream cabin... minus the snow :)

Dad!!!  I'm naked!!!
Turn that thing off!!!!

Big Boy!!
Tripp is getting very mobile.  Does he crawl? Does he scoot?  No. Rolling is his movement of choice.  He's gotten to where he can roll all the way across the room just to get to his Sophie.  But! He will pull himself up to a stand using my fingers!  I think he's getting WAY too big...  And teeth you ask?  One (for sure, maybe two) on the way in!  Advil/ Tylenol have become great friends and everyone is exhausted but SO excited.  We're one step closer to finger foods!

First bite of solids. Not so sure about Rice Cereal.
Waiting for Mommy to get everything together!
Food... Who knew it could be so tricky?!  The doctor gave us the go ahead to start him on purees at 5 months.  The little guy is still only sleeping about 4 hrs at a time (during the night) and they seemed to think this would help me get a little more rest.  Oh how wrong they were!!  Not only did it mess with his little tummy, but made it so he woke up every 2 hrs!  The logic behind solids is that it will fill the baby up.  What happened with Tripp (and I'm not sure if this is the case with all kids) is it filled his tummy up but the food didn't have enough calories.  SOOO, then he was waking up hungry but still had the solids in his tummy taking up room and could only nurse but so much... and the cycle repeated every 2 hours. The night I decided to take him off the food he slept for 4 hours straight.  That may not seem like a lot but I was so grateful.  We're back to about 4-6 hr stretches (which is what we were before he got sick) with the occasional wake up because his teeth are bothering him.  (and Advil/ Tylenol do their magic  :) )

After a couple of days he was
getting used to the idea...

Trying to convince Daddy this really isn't a good idea...

Now, I think I'm going to wait on food until he can do finger foods.  I feel like that would be easiest for me (I can just rip up what we're eating in little bites) and will make sure his bowels are developed enough to handle the food (getting backed up isn't fun for anyone!).  Of course, that's subject to change if I feel like he needs more!  Again... why can't babies come with instruction manuals?!

Did someone say pickle?!

Life is so good.  School is chugging along (51 days according to my chain), and summer will be here before we know it.  Also, I fit back into my favorite jeans!  You'd think that'd make me be content with the clothes I have... since I haven't gotten to wear them for the past 7 months (yeah, I exploded out of my clothes the last month.  So dang close.) but I really want to go shopping!!  I guess it's just the curse of being a girl and the sadness of being poor. Can't wait to be done with school and making money....  A girl can dream right?!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Catch up!

It's been forever...

Christmas was good, New Years was good, etc, etc.

So! Now!  I'm in school, Michael is working and in school, and we're both so exhausted.  Looking back on when Tripp was born is like looking back on a vacation.  Those nights weren't bad at all and it was honestly one of the most peaceful times in my life.  I want to go back to Alaska!!!!  I miss my midwives, the scenery, oh and did I mention my midwives!  I feel so blessed to have such a great connection with the women that helped bring Tripp into this world.  I'll say it again... I miss Juneau.  Rant over.

Moving on to Tripp!  What an awesome little baby...  He is so darn cute and just loves life.  His teeth have been bothering him lately (at least I think it's his teeth, who really knows until they come, right?!) and he's been in kind of a funk but he still continues to smile and giggle and sequel.  It's so hard to NOT feel guilty for doing school work instead of playing, when your playmate is just so darn adorable!  He's decided he hates everything to do with his tummy.  I'll lay him on the floor and he immediately flips over.  He needs a toy out of his reach?  Oh, he'll flip to his tummy to grab it BUT as soon as it's in his fingers he flips right back over.  And did I mention the kid is so fat that when he flips over it kinda shakes the floor?!  There's just so much to love  :)

Michael has been doing awesome with school.  He's got some pretty hard classes right now but he still makes time to work and spend time with us.  We've made it a priority to spend time as a family.  Sometimes work and school have to be set aside for a few hours and that's okay!  Money will find its way to us, school work will get done and life will move on as long as we do it together.

"In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-etime."
                             -DIETER F. UCHTDORF

I'm so grateful that Michael can be with us.  I know a lot of women who's husbands are in the military and my hat is off to them...

That being said, we're so excited for this summer!!  I've been researching sun lotions for Tripp and resisting the urge to by him a bathing suite now (he's growing so fast I'm not sure what size he'll be!).  I've made it a goal to get WAY ahead in my school work this weekend (and we can see how well that's working as I'm sitting here blogging instead of actually doing it) so that I can start exercising.  My excuse is that I don't have enough time but that's just silly.  I can find an hour, 3 days a week to exercise.

I've been in this 'lets get realistic' mood lately.  And here is what I've decided.
1. I'm only getting older... and so is my body! Time to treat it good!
2. I may be getting older but I'm a really slow cooker... Ramon Noodles can be healthy, right?!
       ***side note- if anyone has some FAST recipes that are GOOD and healthy, throw them my way!***
3. School really sucks but I HAVE to finish
4. I complain a lot and need to change my attitude
and lastly...
5.  My house will always be a mess.  I just need to get over it.

So this is where we are in the Allen house.  Life is good. Crazy. Messy. Tired. Blessed. Fun. and on and on and on....

Photo Dump!
Just relaxing with Daddy...


Thanks Mimi for the jumper!!!

It's a really winner :)
And the packaging paper isn't so bad either!!!
Sleep fort  :)
Told you it would always be a mess...
Did someone say ice chips?!

So cute :)

Even cuter... 

Why must you love me so much?!!?!

I'll help you umpack, Mommy!

Yea, Alabama!!!

Literally eats...


Don't worry, I got this!

Passed out in his snow suite.

The night of projectile vomit...

Even he can't escape his mouth.
