Saturday, March 23, 2013


***forgot to post****

5 February 2013

I'm sitting here (1:15 am) trying to finish homework, getting some more laundry folded, and fighting the urge to look at nothing on facebook.  I know I have no time to blog but I simply have to put into words what is on my mind!

Tripp is getting so big.  5 months already and he's singing, flipping over with ease and eating everything that comes his way.  We've started solids and experimented with rice cereal and carrots.  So far he hasn't blatantly protested either!  I am pretty sure he has some teeth coming in, just by how fussy he's been and his frequent night wakings...

That being said... I'm so tired!  School is kicking my butt and Tripp is wearing me down.  I can't seem to get my house in order, dinners are more frequently consisting of steamable veggie bags, baked frozen chicken and rice if we're lucky.  There is no variety in our life.  All we are is school, diapers, laundry, and a little bit of bed....

I'm so tired and I need to change something soon or I'm simply going to burn out!

......complaining over.


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