Saturday, November 24, 2012

Waiting and Waiting and Waiting

**Realized I never published this!!  Sorry, it's about 3 months over due...***

13 August 2012

The other day Michael asked if he could go fishing this morning.  He promptly began to tell me that he would be in cell phone range and could get back to shore (and to me) within 30 min of a call.  I just looked at him and said, "You could fly to Alabama and back for all I care.  This baby is never coming out."

I officially hit my due date on Wednesday but my body is telling me that nothing is going to happen before, on or even near that day.  I've had very little cramping and what little I have had is from scrubbing the floor or rolling in the wrong direction.  To make it even worse... I feel great!  Yeah, I'm tired all of the time and could eat a cow at every meal, but my joints are working fine and the little guy isn't bothering me at all (except for an occasional jab in the bladder).  At least if I felt awful I would know something was about to happen!

I go back to the midwives on Wednesday to get 'checked out'.  This past Wednesday I had had no progress and my hopes for this week are very low.  Kaye (one of the midwives and founder of the Birth Center) said that I would probably go a week over... maybe more.  That would be fine if she hadn't also told me the 'little' guy is about 8 pounds already!!!  8 pounds!!!  Which means if I go a week over he could be close to 9 pounds!!! Never in my life have I hoped so much that a person (especially one who is in charge of keeping me and my baby safe) was wrong.  All of the midwives (there are 4 at the birth center  keep telling me that as long as I'm not over indulging in milk and fatty food, my body wont produce a baby that I can't birth... but really?! 9 pounds?! No way...

That being said, my days are spend on my yoga ball trying to bounce this guy out of me.  I hardly do anything but eat, bounce, sleep and ready baby books.  Two days ago I finally decided I needed to get showered and dressed to take a picture of the baby bump because it had been too long.  It was a whole day process with a few naps in between but I was finally put together by the time Michael got off of work.

Well, if nothing else I know the little guy will be here for sure in two weeks.  Thank goodness for that!  Wish us luck!

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