Saturday, November 24, 2012

Baby Bliss

***Another post I forgot to publish***

5 October 2012
This blog post is long over due but... Tripp finally came!!!  Our little boy is 6 weeks old and growing like a weed.  It's hard to believe that a month and a half ago he was only 7lbs 6oz and is now over 10lbs.  Where has the time gone?

from thisto this!!!

 This is a picture from their website...
There was no snow on
the ground in August!  :)
Tripp came to us in a very peaceful way.  We decided to have him at the Juneau Family Health and Birth Center with midwifery care.  We started seeing the midwifes as soon as we got to Juneau and became very comfortable with the 4 midwives immediately.  There is a relaxed atmosphere in that building that is hard to find with the anticipation of a babies arrival.  I love the rooms that they have and the tools that they offer to help with labor pains.  My favorite part was the tub!

My labor was extremely long...  I was 'officially' in labor for 41 hrs and 50 min but really it was even longer than that.  They aren't counting the 7 hours before because I had four hours at night where the contractions stopped.  Needless to say, we were ready for him to come!  27 hours of my labor was spent in the 0-4 centimeter range and the contractions were mild, easy to get through, and allowed me to sleep.  Active labor started at 7 am on Wednesday morning.  If I had known then that 14 hours and 50 min later I would be holding my little boy, I think I would have been a little more relaxed...  For some reason I had this idea that I would go to the birth center and then a couple of hours later I would have my baby.  Boy was a wrong!  Labor truly was a process that prepared us for his arrival.  But... we were in for a long ride.

I spent the majority of labor in the tub.  I knew from the very beginning that the only way I was going to have him without medicine was if it was a water birth.  I have always found comfort in water and I now have a greater appreciation for its medicinal purposes.  As soon as I hit that warm water the pain lessened and I was able to focus more through the contractions.  This was essential because all of my labor pain was in my back.  Tripp refused to turn into an anterior position (meaning his back was against the outside of my stomach) but rather stayed posterior (his back to my back).  This is the cause of back labor.  I spent hours of labor (and days before labor) on my hands and knees trying to get him to turn.  He was just too stubborn!  The water allowed me to  move easily and it felt like all of the weight from my belly was lifted.  Basically, warm water is amazing!

Michael played a huge roll in bringing Tripp into this world.  Honestly, I could not have done it without him!  Simply having him touch my back or hold my hand reminded me that I was not in it alone.  He would sit in the tub with me, let me hang on his neck and sway, and stand in the shower aiming the shower head on my back.  The few times he left me (to eat, use the bathroom, etc.) I had our amazing Douala  Jesse, to help.  She was great at keeping me calm and reminding me to use my relaxation techniques.  She would also give Michael ideas to help with with my back labor.  It was so nice to have someone there completely dedicated to me who had done this before!  Jesse was also really great about keeping my energy up with food, Gatorade  and water.  I sure appreciated that energy in the end!

The first baby & daddy snuggle time!
The hardest part of my labor was at 5-7cm.  At this point, all of my dilation had occurred manually by the midwives.  I was feeling like my body could not dilate on its own and that labor was never going to end.  I had been in labor for over 30 hours at this point I was ready to go to the hospital and get an epidural.  Going into labor, I was never against having an epidural.  I know lots of women who have had medicine to help with labor and they and their babies have done fine.  Having Tripp naturally was something I wanted to do but I knew I was not going to cut myself off from other options.  At this point I knew I could  have Tripp without medicine but I didn't want to do it.  My only concern was for Tripp.  I knew that posterior babies cause prolonged labor (which I was officially in) which leads to a higher chance of a C-section.  I did not want a C-section unless absolutely necessary and I would have a hard time if I thought my 'giving-up' led to it.  Michael was a great help in reminding me that my body knew what to do and that I just needed to give it time.  When Kaye, the midwife who delivered Tripp, checked my progress again I had dilated to a 7 on my own!  That gave me the confidence to keep going.

Looking back now, a month after delivering Tripp, I'm so glad I decided to have him naturally.  My recovery went very smoothly and I was out and about within two weeks.  Tripp loves going on walks in the fresh air while snuggled close to me.  Tripp has been able to hold his head up since he was born and has always been extremely alert.  All of those reasons aside, I am most grateful for my birthing decision because of the confidence it has given me as a mother.  During labor I learned to trust my body and my instincts which has given me the confidence to trust my instincts with Tripp.  I now firmly believe that a mother knows what is best for her baby as long as she listens and trusts in herself, her baby and the Lord.

I love my new little family.  We are so happy!  Tired... but happy!  I'm grateful everyday for the wonderful birth experience I had and the beautiful baby boy I get to spend everyday for the next 18 years with!  I know now, more than ever, that Michael loves me and that I love him.  I will always be grateful for his companionship and the love he showed me on that special day.  How amazing is the Lord!  


Enjoy the photo dump!!!

Bath Time!  It was a hit!

Sleepy Baby

Tripp loves to sleep...
even when I'm trying to changes his diaper!

Sleeping with his hands in his face

Driving the Boat with Daddy!

Life in the chair...


He has a thing for noses... And Daddy

On our way to Idaho!
They can't get enough of each other!
Kisses, kisses and more kisses!
Why would you have a nose if I can't eat it?!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good little mama! Cant wait to see you guys! :)
